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Elliott Starr

Elliott Starr

21st Jan 2025
Music videos; we love you, and we need you

Music videos; we love you, and we need you

If video killed the radio star, on who or what do we blame the fall of music videos? Ok, so promos aren't dead but, says Elliott Starr, Creative Director at Impero, they are much diminished, and the creative industry is the worse for it.

9th Mar 2022
In praise of production

In praise of production

'We open on a remote village...'; easy to write, tough (sometimes very tough) to film. Elliott Starr, Head of Copy at 20something, reports from a shoot in South Africa and considers the regular challenges faced by production partners.

3rd Jun 2020
Epictetus on advertising: a Stoic approach to breaking in while locked down

Epictetus on advertising: a Stoic approach to breaking in while locked down

Elliott Starr, Senior Copywriter and Chief Talent Hunter at 20something, explains that if you want a job in the industry formerly known as advertising, all is not lost. The old teachings of Greek philosopher Epictetus can be a new way to succeed in a post-Corona world.

Elliott Starr

Elliott Starr

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