
Samsung – The Marketplace

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Back in the olden days (i.e. the mid-00s), the thrill of playing Snake on your mobile phone made short waits, idle commutes, and extended loo-breaks all the more appealing.

Nowadays, with their vibrant OLED screens and insane refresh rates, our devices are capable of playing the types of games our former joystick-clutchers could only dream of, and, if this exciting blockbuster of a spot from BBH London for Samsung is to be believed, it's only going to get better.

Advertising their Exynos 2200 ‘next generation' mobile processor (probably not the most thrilling of products to shout about, for most), the tech giants have employed the talents of MJZ's Matthijs Van Heijningen to tell the story of a female adventurer lured down a dirty alley by a white(ish) rabbit. in order to get some goodies that are less 'eat me', 'drink me', and more 'load me', 'shoot me'.

Visually sumptuous, with an entertainingly grizzled coney from the masters at The Mill, The Marketplace is an atmospheric and entertaining jaunt, much more engaging than the potentially dry topic would imply. 

Stu Royall, Creative Director at BBH, said: “This was a dream brief from our partners at Samsung. To launch a new processing unit, targeted at hardcore gamers is an incredible opportunity. Together, we’ve constructed an incredible, alternate universe full of rich detail, dangerous characters and even more dangerous weapons. 

"There’s even a few additional details hidden in there to reward the most eagle-eyed gamers”
