B2B creativity is dead, but it’s not too late to revive it
While much of B2C marketing is awash with creative thinking, Tom Baker, Chief Creative Officer for &Above, believes B2B advertising has become too dependent on data, putting it on creative life support. But, he tell us, there's a way back if brands open their arms to emotion.
When did you last see a B2B ad that really got you excited, that caught your imagination or made you want to know more?
I’m guessing it’s pretty hard to think of an example, because B2B businesses don’t typically make those types of ads.
In B2B advertising, creativity is dead. Cold, hard, tedious data has taken over, pushing aside creative flair. The art of storytelling has been lost. And, despite all of its enormous potential, B2B has become boring.
Creativity has traditionally been viewed as less important by B2B businesses.
It’s time to do something about that.
What’s the problem?
Creativity has traditionally been viewed as less important by B2B businesses. It’s less important than logic, less profitable than reason, and less valuable than data. And B2B is a highly traditional sector, so it has developed a way of selling things that aren’t creative.
This doesn’t just mean the industry is in danger of taking itself too seriously. It means that every B2B business is missing out on tons of potential.
‘There’s no room for creativity.’
‘The facts are too important.’
‘Data sells.’
Above: Hubspot's campaign doesn't hook viewers in, or make them feel anything.
The above quotes all lead to dull ads, like the archetypal service introduction. I’m going to use HubSpot [above] as an example, but I could choose from any number of others. It’s a great service, providing valuable tools, but the ad lost my interest in the first 10 seconds. Now, compare that to something like the Sainsbury’s Mog Christmas ad. In this case, it’s a literal example of storytelling – and the hook is there immediately.
You don’t want to move on because there’s a familiarity to the format that pulls you back to childhood, while the drama and humour keep you engaged and smiling right to the end. This pretty much exemplifies the differences in content strategy between B2B and B2C. While B2C advertising is typically more entertaining and light-hearted, B2B ads are data-driven. They lack the emotive storytelling common in the consumer market.
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powered by- Production Company Outsider
- Sound Design Factory
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- Editor Bill Smedley
- Art Director Adrian Rossi
- Copywriter Alex Grieve
- Agency Producer Nikki Holbrow
- Agency Producer Rebecca Scharf
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- Executive Creative Director Adrian Rossi
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Above: Sainsbury's Christmas spot from 2015 is a perfect example of great storytelling.
The mistake here is in the belief that creative storytelling in advertising is only for the consumer market, and that only consumers need to be entertained because business people making important business decisions are anchored down by the serious nature of their industry. But what’s forgotten is that the business decision makers are humans, with emotions. A face, a human element, and a compelling narrative arc can be used to add a hook to an advertising campaign and depth and interest to a brand. But that means a move away from facts and data.
The whole point of advertising is to make people engage with your work.
The thing is, it’s that identifiable human element that makes the difference between a customer viewing content and engaging with it, and that same customer clicking away. And it can dramatically impact an advertising campaign’s success even in B2B.
Don't be ignorable
The whole point of advertising is to make people engage with your work. You want people to talk about you. You want to live in their heads, rent-free. But if you overlook creative storytelling in your advertising, you forgo that. You become just another indistinct voice.
People remember stories more than facts. It’s the way the human brain works. So, when video is used as a visual info dump, it rarely makes an impression, even on people who are interested in the subject, meaning that potential clients and partners simply don’t retain the information that you’re trying to get across. Creative storytelling provides a hook that enables viewers to engage with that data, and that’s its primary role in B2B video.
So, how do you do that well?
powered byAbove: This spot for Tractable, a B2B brand, uses to create an effect in the viewer.
Develop a compass for good ideas
Why would potential clients remember your last video ad? What’s different that will make them remember your next? Effective creative storytelling demands creative ideas. Anyone can tell a story, but not everyone can make it a good one that’s equal parts engaging and relevant. When you focus on people instead of products, that’s when an ad comes to life.
Ditch the data and refocus on people.
So, ditch the data and refocus on people. Concentrate on building an emotional connection with your target, on making your brand come to life. Because your products will sell themselves if you can make your customers connect to your business.
Sure, use overlays of motion graphics, visuals and other technical elements to enhance your story arc, but even then, simplicity can be king. The insurance ad above combines a recording from an emergency helpline with the image of a damaged home, overlaid with the user interface, has an emotive and visceral effect. Showing that if the idea is right, everything else will follow
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- Production Company Folke Film
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- Art Director Anders Eklind
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powered by- Agency Forsman & Bodenfors
- Production Company Folke Film
- Post Production Swiss
- Location Service Story: We Produce/Spain
- Editor Peter Brandt
- Director of Photography Ed Wild
- Art Director Sophia Lindholm
- Art Director Anders Eklind
- Copywriter Bj?rn Engstr?m
- Copywriter Martin Ringqvist
- Agency Producer Alexander Blidner
- Director Andreas Nilsson
- Producer Joi Persson
Above: B2B brands can make brilliantly creative ads, as Volvo's The Epic Split proved.
Is it worth the effort?
Creative storytelling can engage with your customers emotionally. You may not trigger the saccharine heart-string pull of the John Lewis Christmas ad, but you can make people feel. You can build trust and authenticity by revealing a more personal side of the business and helping potential customers to see beyond the suits. And, occasionally, B2Bs do get this right – the Volvo trucks Van Damme-starring Epic Split ad [above] was a masterpiece of humour and originality. It shows customers what they need to know without recourse to endless facts and waffle, while giving the brand a human face.
By bringing creative storytelling into B2B advertising, everyone benefits.
This helps with investment too. You can’t expect someone to trust you with their money if they feel like they’re always dealing with a shiny façade. They want to see the minds, faces, and personalities behind the brand. Storytelling will help you do this. The same applies to talent. People are far more likely to give their all to a team they can understand than with a corporate whitewash. We proved this with Revolut last year, creating films showcasing employees' hobbies and the result was special.
By bringing creative storytelling into B2B advertising, everyone benefits. B2C businesses already know this. B2B shouldn't be boring. And you can change that. You can take your business and your advertising and steamroller the data and the facts and the product information with beautiful, emotive, even amusing storytelling. And you can bring your business to life in the minds of your customers, investors, staff, and every other stakeholder in a way that data never could.