
Greenpeace Los Santos

To raise awareness about environmental issues within the younger audience, we decided to emerge on the world they spent most of their time in - the gaming world - by creating the most immersive climate change simulator ever. 

With Los Santos +3 gamers could feel the impacts of global warming in the meta reality.  

It resulted in 450 hours of climate change broadcasted by top Brazilian streamers, uncountable hours of game play, and an increase of 340% in petition signatures.

Greenpeace – Los Santos +3°C

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Mercado Livre New Iconic Kisses

This is an amazing piece of work because, as it went live, Brazilian society was discussing the setbacks of PL504 - a law which aimed to ban all sexual diversity in advertising. 

Mercado Livre, Latam's biggest eCommerce platform and Pride São Paulo Sponsor, decided to take a stand in favor of all kinds of love. To do so, it recreated history's most famous kisses starring real couples from the community. 

The images were made available free of copyright, so independent sellers could turn them into products featuring the images, generating income for the community and helping to make the new iconic kisses as famous as the original ones.

Mercado Livre – New Iconic Kisses

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CNN Not a single line beyond the truth.

This campaign amazes me for its strong idea and beautiful craft. It’s about a subject that matters to the whole world nowadays: trustable information. It’s never been more important to see the real truth behind everything and knowing which source of information to trust. 

CNN’s campaign reinforces the importance of true journalism in a powerful and beautiful way.

CNN – Not a Single Line Beyond the Truth

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Heinz Marz Edition

When such an iconic brand like Heinz completes 150 years of history and instead of celebrating its past, decides to look to the future, it’s something truly extraordinary. 

Even more when you understand that all the buzz created (and everyone was talking about it) was planned to bring attention to an underestimated problem: earth’s soil degradation.

Heinz Ketchup – Marz Edition

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Centauro: The Uniform That Never Existed

A project created for Centauro, the major sports retail store in Latin America. In 1964, Aída dos Santos, a low-income Black woman, was the first Brazilian athlete to participate in the Tokyo Games, in the midst of an all-male delegation. Aída went alone without money or a coach or even a uniform to compete. However, she made history and came back in fourth place in the high jump, the best individual result for a Brazilian athlete for over 30 years. 

Shedding light on this journey, Centauro honors Aida with "The Uniform That Never Existed."

Centauro Sports – The Uniform that Never Existed

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