Cannes Predictions: Spain, Italy and Russia
We speak to Jordina Carbo, Cristiana Boccassini and Olga Kulikova about the major contenders from their territories.
SPAIN: Jordina Carbo, ECD, VMLY&R Barcelona
Adolfo Dominguez, Sé Más Viejo (Be More Old)
When a brand goes against the trend in a sector such as fast fashion and celebrates the value of maturity, it makes you stop and take notice of its shop windows.
P&G, #descargamental(Mental Load)
A campaign that tackles a much-discussed topic in advertising; gender equality. It has been shared on lots of women’s Whatsapp groups.
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- Production Company In-House at Agency
- Director Directed by Agency
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- Production Company In-House at Agency
- Director Directed by Agency
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powered by- Agency Proximity/Madrid
- Production Company In-House at Agency
- Director Directed by Agency
Volkswagen, A Qué Estamos Jugando? (What Are We Playing At?)
A visual poem linked to a great concept, created by DDB Spain and directed by Gabe Ibáñez.
Above, left to right: Be More Old, Mental Load, What are we playing at?
ITALY: Cristiana Boccassini, Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Italy
IKEA, Lift
Christmas is always full of good intentions and good feelings, but stingy with good ideas. With this film, however, IKEA and DDB have succeeded in creating an unusual film centred on brand values and products. Plus, director Augusto Zapiola’s signature is a guarantee in terms of acting and humour.
BMW, Monza, Sahara
M&C Saatchi’s idea of recreating the Monza race track in a desert as a stress-test for the new BMW X5 is a bold demo and very well executed.
Diesel, Hate Couture
Nowadays brands have a unique chance to take a stand on important topics and start movements or even revolutions. In our campaign, Diesel brought the most important influencers across the globe to stand against online bullying with a collection encouraging customers to wear their hate on their sleeve with pride and style.
Above, left to right: Lift, Sahara, Hate Couture
RUSSIA: Olga Kulikova, Managing Director/ EP, Stink Russia
RAIN, Putin Turns on the Rain
This witty digital campaign for independent TV channel RAIN [by presenting an image of President Putin’s face to a webcam viewers could unlock the banned channel]. An elegant solution by agency Voskhod that highlighted the importance of freedom of speech, something that can go amiss in this country.
Adrenalin Rush, Heartbeat
An exciting campaign, uniting music and emotions. Human heartbeat expresses it all, so why not try and make music around it? Top musicians expressed what people feel in extreme situations by creating music from their heartbeats. A hi-tech, modern approach with a personal touch.
Samsung, Ivan Dorn, Preach
Ivan Dorn’s music video was made entirely on a mobile phone. The future is getting closer.
Sberbank, Inventory
This is a recreation of the room where Rembrandt passed away, in 1669, in a modest house in a Jewish neighbourhood of Amsterdam. By the time he died, most of his property had been already auctioned off. He left hardly any inheritance, but left a great heritage, which was honoured in this exhibition created by Leo Burnett Moscow for Russian bank Sberbank.