Dan French: A Few Of My Favourite Things
The Stink Films director shares the sentimental gizmos and gadgets (and felines) that keep his workspace creatively fuelled.
Director Dan French has no shortage of technical tricks up his sleeve when it comes to his work, and one glance at his Favourite Things goes to show that the same can be said of the gadgets he keeps around himself.
From the camera that started a passion to a digital headspace machine that keeps things cathartic, the Stink Films helmer of campaigns for Meta, Durex, KFC, EE, and more has plenty to channel his creativity into.
Be it office companions that get a bit close for comfort or analogue images that capture the moment, check out the slices of inspiration that French keeps close to hand.
The Humble Beginnings
When I came out of uni after doing a theory course without a reel, I was chatting to my old man about wanting to be a director.
He told me, "Shoot something and you’ll be a director."
So I promptly bought this camera and did.
Quite soon after, he bought me this book.
Think he was trying to tell me something.

The BTS Cam
Once I actually started to make stuff, I quite quickly realised how closed off a lot of our industry is.
I was obsessed with trying to find out how things were made, but not a lot of people share that kind of stuff.
So I thought, why not try to shoot some BTS while I work?
People ended up engaging with that more than the work itself... I try not to take offence.
This great little cam comes everywhere with me now.

The Headspace Machine
This is a painting of my Grandma Joyce I did for my mum after she passed.
Directing can be intense sometimes, especially when you’re flying all over the world, back to back on jobs and living out of hotel rooms.
I’ve found that, more than ever, it’s important to have a cathartic outlet that doesn’t relate to film.
I originally got my iPad on set for storyboards but then ended up mainly using it to paint.

The Clapperboard
My wife got me this as a bit of fun when I was just starting out.
I would write on it the next passion project I was working on to keep reminding me to write it or to keep it alive.
It’s currently empty, but I shall be writing the title of my next short on there very soon.

The Second Home
I’m a bit addicted to Blender.
I never planned to get into VFX, but somehow it all happened when I tried to push tight budgets and did a lot of the post work myself.
Much like painting, I found modelling in 3D so freeing and a lot of fun.
Now this big tower is constantly pumping out renders of my latest obsession, a fully CG music video that I’ve done all the post on (don’t ask me why).
Wherever I am in the world, I’ll be remoting into this bad boy to work on this little passion project.

The Polaroid Memories
It's always nice to have reminders from projects.
The issue usually is that the sets are pretty big, and most props can’t be taken back on the flight with you.
Polaroids, however, are some glorious shoot loot, and I’ve tried to start shooting them on set.
Here are a couple from my Meridian spot that were taken by the talent during the university scene.
No idea what I’m gonna do with all these Polaroids.
Make a book, maybe?

The Company I Keep
My office wouldn’t be complete without this dude, who is great company [left picture].
And other times, not so much [right picture].