
Sun & Sand Sports – Commit To Nothing

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As entertaining a personality DJ Khaled is, he's not the person we imagine is on a lot of sports brands' wishlists as a spokesperson.

Thankfully, it seems that sporting goods retailer Sun & Sand Sports aren't like a lot of sports brands, as this charming spot from Mother and RadicalMedia director Dave Meyers goes to show.

With an aim to help people fall in love with sport, Commit to Nothing advocates for everybody - no matter body type, ability or sports preference - to give any sport a go, just for the joy of it, and demonstrates this with Khaled partaking in a variety of wacky endevours.

“Over the years, Sun and Sand Sports has evolved from focusing on pure performance to a brand that makes sports fun for everyone," explains Senior Vice President of Brands - Sports at GMG, Mohamed Bodiat. "With that in mind, we want our campaign to be a catalyst that inspires our community to try everything. This, combined with DJ Khaled’s ability to resonate with the youth is what led us to believe that he truly embodies the spirit of the brand as we continue our journey towards making sports #FunToTheFinish.”

Martin Rose, Creative Director at Mother adds: “It was refreshing to have a global sports house approach us wanting to rewrite the script completely. For decades, the prevailing sports narrative has been about the hustle of the game, accompanied by high fitness standards. With this, we’re applauding fun, celebrating the joys of not being the best and embracing the uncommitted. These days anything can be a sport, even a TikTok trend. 

"DJ Khaled embodied the spirit of a new generation, not as an athlete but as a lover of the pure joy of sports.”
