
Lay’s tasked Slash and ZyynLabs with an innovative and unique challenge. One that required scientific minds: generating as much electricity from a simple potato as possible. Solving the world’s energy crisis, it will not, however with enough potatoes (a truckload’s worth in fact) powering a recording studio was mathematically plausible. 

Several months of experimentation resulted in discovering a groundbreaking methodology, increasing the energy output fifteen-fold while simultaneously reducing wastage by 65%. With the combination of 8,580 Lay’s potatoes, the dedication of the ZyynLabs & Slash team members, plus one-homemade potato gantry hoist, a successful collection of 11.43 Watts of electricity, and 67.76 Watt-hours of power was harvested; enough to charge our recording equipment and capture Grammy nominated pop sensation Anitta perform her hit song Envolver, directed by Chris Cottam

To certify the legitimacy of our experiment, Guinness World Records painstakingly reviewed our evidence, declaring a World Record had officially been set for the Highest Wattage Generated from a Potato Battery. Yay!

Lay's – Powered by Potatoes

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“Trying to pull off an event that’s never been done before was both daunting and exhilarating. Managing 20,000 potatoes was also a first for us. Expect the unexpected was never more true than on this project. The passion and commitment of the entire team made this happen, and a whole lot of science (and potatoes.) And we also learned that getting into the Guinness Book of World Records is really, really, really hard,” said Managing Director, Tanya Cohen.

ZyynLabs founder, Zach Umperovitch “Lay’s certainly challenged our team’s ingenuity by wanting this experiment to be done completely legitimate. I couldn’t be more proud and impressed by the dedication and effort every single member of production devoted towards making this project such an incredible success. “
