View on- Director Felix Brady
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powered by- Director Felix Brady
Playing with perspective shifts, the visuals of Hu Man create a surprising compliment between the modern artist and the muses of the past.
It starts softly, with Greentea Peng walking through a jungle scene, at home among the natural world as she moves effortlessly through the forest. As she marches towards us, the scene shifts, and it’s a battlefield, a neo-future, and a woman changes from goddess to Joan of Arc, to mother. It’s a fantastic shift in the narrative, and women remain the focus of the film, switching in between Peng’s journey through the country and the legendary landscape.
Continuing his collaboration with Peng, director Felix Brady offers a seemingly effortless film that captures Peng in her beauty and mystique. The juxtaposition of Peng’s easy and natural movements against the CGI of the second world is fascinating and makes for an engaging and innovative piece.