
Havana Club – Cuban Mode

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A collaboration between agencies YARD and Sid Lee, the film Cuban Mode, is a joyous celebration of La Cubanìa, the collective energy and vibrant creativity of the country. 

Directed by Partizan director Aisultan Seitov – known for his work with rap artists such as 21 Savage and Tyler the Creator – it was shot in Havana and offers a zingy blend of the contemporary and traditional aspects of the city. 

It opens on an elegant black and white scene where a stylish senior is enjoying a spot of rum outside a typical colonial neo-classical mansion. 

It then explodes into colour as we take whirlwind tour inside the house, following an intergenerational cast – of genuine locals – as they share typical Cuban pastimes in each of the rooms, from games of dominos, to rumba spins and turns in their bata Cubana [traditional dance costume]. 

“Cuba is a unique place that is fuelled by diversity, mutual support and creativity. The creative mindset is one of their defining strengths,” mentioned Yoan Prat, General Manager of YARD. 

“There’s truly a unique recipe to the Cuban way of life that invites us to make the most of what we have. This is something we can all celebrate, learn from and partake in, no matter where we come from,” added Annika Ramchandani, Associate Creative Director at Sid Lee.
