
Tim Horton's – Ask a Timbit

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In an effort to make kids’ sports more fun, professional hockey players, Sidney Crosby (Pittsburg Penguins) and Nathan MacKinnon (Colorado Avalanche) ask a group of children what they would change about ice hockey practice.

The results are much to be expected. As a panicked MacKinnon says quietly, “I think we’re supposed to talk one at a time,” the children ask for donuts, piñatas, farting goalie pads, and (of course) puppies. How many puppies? Ten thousand, at least.

The children featured are part of the Timbits Minor Sports Program, a youth ice hockey league supported by Tim Hortons for kids aged four to nine focused on fun, friendship, and learning a new sport. The ad is sweet and fun, totally convincing because of how earnest it is. The kids ask for farting goalie pads and they get a goalie covered in whoopee cushions. They want puppies, they get adorable Labrador pups sliding over the ice. Crosby and MacKinnon (no strangers to Tim Horton's Ads) are extremely well-known professional athletes and former Timbits players. The earnestness of the two players only supports the concept of helping Timbits kids have fun. 

Zulu Alpha Kilo has made this ad without any ostentation, creating a spot that is sweet and adorable. Who doesn’t want to see little kids trying their hardest to make a fart sound by snapping a puck at a professional goalie? It’s a truly earnest PSA that showcases the fun and lightheartedness that comes with playing the unofficial sport of Canada.
