
Amazon – Amazon Alexa's Body

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Following up on a Superbowl ad from 2018 ad (Alexa Loses Her Voice), Amazon invites a more sci-fi speculation...what if Alexa had a body?

An Amazon employee is amazed when she sees the new sleek design of the latest Echo speakers. It gets her wondering...what could be more perfect than this? That’s when a bus featuring a full wrap of Michael B. Jordan drives by, and gives her an idea. What results is a bizarre Her-meets-Ex Machina fantasy of Alexa as Jordan, translating sweet nothings into French, setting the mood (by taking off his shirt, naturally) and making sure the lawn is watered. All this to the great consternation of the employee’s husband. 

With absolute humor, and taking Romance Genre tropes and turning them into a strangely absurdist rendition of sci-fi servitude, Alexa’s Body is charming and ridiculous. Jordan commits to the role, giving it all of his attention for as long as he’s on screen. The spot was directed by Wayne McClammy out of Hungry Man, and the ad was helmed by agency Lucky Generals, the same team that came together to deliver the celeb-loaded 2018 ad. 
