On My Radar: Emily Wilcox
Emily Wilcox, CEO of TBWA\Chiat\Day New York, talks Wes Anderson's whimsey, Sia's multi-dimensionalism, and advertising's sometimes unrecognised brilliance.
What’s the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen recently?
This year, I love the Lynx The Power of Fragrance work [below], and the DoorDash All The Ads work that launched during the Super Bowl. The Lynx work is such a great example of brilliant storytelling at its best and the humour is excellent; it’s hard to do funny well, and they nailed it. For DoorDash, it’s an incredible example of taking full advantage of a big media moment and brilliantly leveraging the before, during and after, all the while bringing consumers into the idea. I cannot imagine how difficult it was to pull off… which is a whole other reason to admire the work, it’s audacious.
View on- Agency LOLA MullenLowe/Madrid
- Production Company CZAR Brussels
- Director Lionel Goldstein
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View on- Agency LOLA MullenLowe/Madrid
- Production Company CZAR Brussels
- Director Lionel Goldstein
- Executive Producer Eurydice Gysel
- Producer Lander Engels
- Post Production/VFX/Graphics CZAR Brussels
- Post Producer Bieke De Keersmaecker
- Graphics Dries Derycke
- Music/Sound Senstudio
- Music/Music Supervison Big Sync Music
- Music Supervisor Alicia Leinot
- Executive Creative Director Tomas Ostiglia
- Creative Director Jorge Zacher
- Creative Director Dante Zamboni
- Creative Augusto Callegari
- Creative Pedro Mezzini
- Creative Lucia Villalva
- Creative Corina Martinez Panes
- Producer Felipe Calvino
- DP Grimm Vandekerckhove
- Editor Manu Van Hove
- Colorist Olivier Ogneux
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powered by- Agency LOLA MullenLowe/Madrid
- Production Company CZAR Brussels
- Director Lionel Goldstein
- Executive Producer Eurydice Gysel
- Producer Lander Engels
- Post Production/VFX/Graphics CZAR Brussels
- Post Producer Bieke De Keersmaecker
- Graphics Dries Derycke
- Music/Sound Senstudio
- Music/Music Supervison Big Sync Music
- Music Supervisor Alicia Leinot
- Executive Creative Director Tomas Ostiglia
- Creative Director Jorge Zacher
- Creative Director Dante Zamboni
- Creative Augusto Callegari
- Creative Pedro Mezzini
- Creative Lucia Villalva
- Creative Corina Martinez Panes
- Producer Felipe Calvino
- DP Grimm Vandekerckhove
- Editor Manu Van Hove
- Colorist Olivier Ogneux
What website(s) do you use most regularly?
I actually can’t think of one website I go to with any frequency, but I do use my Atlantic and New York Times apps quite a bit. The New York Times is a quick skim in the morning as I commute into work, and The Atlantic is my weekend read… though, admittedly, I still love to pick up and read the good old magazine version.
What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought?
My Apple Watch, which was a gift from my husband. I resisted getting one forever, for the sole reason of not wanting to be even more tethered to notifications. But, I’ve found it to be really great for my runs, tracking my swimming laps, and encouraging me to get out for a workout when I’m a bit behind on my movements for the day.
What product could you not live without?
My running shoes.

What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?
I honestly haven’t watched a movie in a year… I’ve got three kids under seven. Unless we’re talking kids movies… in which case, Moana is pretty great.
What film do you think everyone should have seen?
Any Wes Anderson film. He offers a masterclass in great character development, which is what is at the heart of any great movie. I also love the whimsical style of his films and his amazing use of colour. He opens up the aperture of what storytelling can look and feel like. You know a Wes Anderson movie when you see it, and yet, he keeps each film fresh.

What’s your preferred social media platform?
LinkedIn. I find it so useful for getting the latest on what’s happening and how people are feeling in the industry. And I want to connect to more people every day on it. I know the talent out there, so come hit me up, I am down.
What’s your favourite TV show?
Seinfeld all day, every day.

What’s your favourite podcast?
I love podcasts, so it’s too hard to pick just one! How I Built This, Ted Radio Hour, Stuff You Should Know and The Daily are some of my favourites.
If you could only listen to one music artist from now on, who would it be?
Sia [below]. I love her range, how she goes from the deep emotionally-wrought songs, to the empowering kick-ass ones, and she’s also an incredible collaborator and writer for other artists. I have so much respect for multidimensional artists, in any field.
If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?
The lack of confidence about what we actually do. We are great at coming up with incredible ideas that get brands noticed and consumers thinking differently, and that is a superpower. We, as an industry, often get so caught up in what we aren’t that we lose sight of the amazing things that we are. We know how to reach and influence millions of people, we provide unique and critical perspectives on our clients’ businesses and brands, we organise siloed organisations around a common understanding of the brands they are responsible for, we integrate multiple partners in the service of great connected consumer experiences, and we do it all with passion and relentlessness. We should be really damn proud of who we are and what we do.

Who or what has most influenced your career?
The 'who' is a long list and I can’t possibly mention them all! I have learned from some of the very best out there, and think quite often about how much gratitude I feel for those who have supported me along my career journey. From my early days at DDB, learning from Peter Hempel on the importance of connecting on a human level with the people you work with and who supported me so fiercely, even when I gave him reasons not to in those early years. Katerina McCarthy and Nicole Wasserman instilled in me that having a strong POV was an asset, not a liability, or something to hide. Brent Smart taught me that everything we do as account leaders should be in service of great work that works, and only then is it truly in service of the client. I also got to watch two creative entrepreneurs in action, Jan and Leo, who always focused on the power of a big idea and saw the creative possibility in every brief, no matter how small. All said, I’ve been spoiled by great examples all around me to learn from.
The 'what' is that at the end of the day, business is about relationships. Truly connecting with and understanding the people you are working with and for, their core motivators, superpowers and vulnerabilities is the most important and powerful thing you can do as a leader, colleague or brand partner. I’ve always been most motivated by the people bit of this job, because when you get that right, the creative possibilities are endless.
Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know.
If it weren’t for a 1993 Kriss Kross Sprite ad, I may not have even ended up in advertising.