On My Radar: Isabel Bethencourt
IndependentMedia director Isabel Bethencourt tries to curb an obsession with statistics, is delighted by a DA Pennebaker film, and bows down to the power of Prince, as she reveals what's on her creative radar.
What’s the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen recently?
I loved the Tower Bridge installation they did in London for the release of Federer: Twelve Final Days. It felt surreal and immersive.
What website(s) do you use most regularly?
It varies, but I’ve been on SoundCloud a lot recently while writing or working at home, listening to my favourite DJ sets and mixes. Today, it was livwutang’s latest edition of her NTS radio show, Furniture without Memories, followed by a Paul Oakenfold BBC1 Essential Mix from 2000. There are troves of amazing sets on there from past to present; so much to dig through.
What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought?
A refurbished Garmin Forerunner 945. I’ve gotten more into open-water swimming this year with my mom, who does triathlons, and it’s been awesome to track my swims with GPS. I also use it for tennis, running, weight training etc, and try my best not to get too stat-obsessed…

What product could you not live without?
My Citi Bike membership — the #1 way to get around Brooklyn.
What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?
Not new, but new to me; DA Pennebaker’s Original Cast Album: Company totally blew me away. I saw it at Lincoln Center, programmed by the great Annie Baker, and sat through the whole thing with a massive grin on my face. It’s so masterfully shot and edited — you can feel how hard the cast is working and what a challenge the songs are. Delightful!
What film do you think everyone should have seen?
This is hard... maybe Salesman, by the Maysels, one of the greatest vérité documentaries ever! The characters are so magnetic, and the access and intimacy is amazing. This is a hard question though. I’d also say Legally Blonde!

What’s your preferred social media platform?
Gotta be Instagram. It has some pitfalls but is still the best for image sharing and exploration, finding new photographers, and fresh work that inspires me.
What’s your favourite TV show?
Gilmore Girls! Such a classic, I can put on any episode and almost quote it from memory.

What’s your favourite podcast?
This American Life was my first inspiration for non-fiction storytelling. My original favourites from high school are episodes 371: Scenes from a Mall, and 396: #1 Party School.
What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?
I was lucky to catch the Isaac Julien exhibition at Tate Britain last year. I was completely absorbed into the rooms of his work. I also loved seeing Stacy Kranitz’s photography show, As It Was Give(n) to Me, in New York this spring.
If you could only listen to one music artist from now on, who would it be?
It has to be Prince, one of the greatest artists of all time. His music transcends genre, and there’s a great mix of total bops with chill, low-key ballads that are great for hanging out.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?
I’d push for the industry to be genuinely inclusive; there’s so much talk about inclusivity these days, but it’d be great to see that more in actual practice. There are so many original and diverse voices in film who aren’t getting a real shot in the ad world. If brands and agencies stepped outside their 'known' comfort zones, there could be some really exciting new creativity, and the messaging would actually crossover and reach a wider audience!
Who or what has most influenced your career?
My mom is a journalist and has definitely inspired my inherent curiosity. She’s never afraid to approach people and ask what they’re doing, or question someone’s methods, or try to dig under the surface of people and systems.
Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know.
I was the captain of my high school’s water polo team!