
What’s the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen recently?

Pip [above left]: I've not seen anything very creative... sorry!

Lib: I liked this [below]. I am into Olivia Colman as a villain. 

International Energy Agency – Oblivian starring Olivia Colman

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What website(s) do you use most regularly?

Pip: Netflix; I'm very good at watching TV.

Lib: WebMD; symptoms, babe.

What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought?

Pip: Honestly, I don't buy that much tech. A new toothbrush. It bangs, I can't lie.

Lib: My airfryer. I wanna feel like Polly Pocket. 

What product could you not live without?

Pip: My new toothbrush.

Lib: Well, if Pip has the toothbrush, I'll bring the Colgate.

What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?

Pip: Oooff, that's a savage question. It keeps changing, but I'm going to pick How to Have Sex. It's stayed with me, and is mad inspiring. 

Lib: White Noise. I think about the wisdom teeth line every day.

What film do you think everyone should have seen?

Pip: Coach Carter, cos it's sik.

Lib: The Princess Diaries; it has the best, most savage makeover scene in the history of all time.

What’s your preferred social media platform?

Pip: Instagram; cos it's wormed its way into my brain.

Lib: TikTok; I like feeling like a husk of a human who is on a constant quest for betterment. Magnesium? Hot girls walks? Deep sleep? High protein diet? Stairmaster? Rosemary oil? Mouth tape? Gua sha routines?

What’s your favourite TV show?

Pip: Oooff, another killer. Succession or The Bear. Both are just fucking gr8. Well-written, family, power, intense. Let's go. 

Lib: Fleabag; it's just fucking great. 

What’s your favourite podcast?

Pip: I'm embarrassed to say this, but Diary of a CEO.

Lib: Script Apart and Search Engine (I couldn't choose).

What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?

Pip: We went to Ama Lou's gig recently, and she was 45 minutes late to stage, and that basically gave us an idea for a short that we are now looking to fund.

Lib: Lutz Bacher, Aye! at Raven Row. I love how she put a spell on these tiny, fractured moments. I really felt the messy confusion of the silly lives we live. 

If you could only listen to one music artist from now on, who would it be?

Pip: Killer questions... well, my most played is probably Holly Humberstone. I'm a sad soppy boi, I can't help it. Plus, not confirmed that she's queer, but she gives queer lyrics, so that's a plus. 

Lib: Gia Margaret; she makes me feel like I am not in a bubble bath, but I am the bubble bath.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

Pip: LOL... only one? More respect and empathy for people, and learn to communicate more.

Lib: Right, here's my idea (I will sell it to you for a fiver); an agency made up of freelancers from all different parts of the creative industry. So, like, if it's a music brief, you just bring together sound artists, composers, musicians and the ideas are guided by nice creatives. Woah, am I Bill Gates? 

Who or what has most influenced your career?

Pip: Lib, 100%. She's always believed in me and she also dragged me into advertising kicking and screaming. She trusts me, and I trust her entirely. Our brains just seem to work perfectly together. 

Lib: Well, I was gonna say my cat...

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know.

Pip: I'm Welsh, just minus the accent.

Lib: A horse has stood on my face.
