
What is the most creative advertising idea you’ve seen recently?

I felt impressed by Nike, You Can’t Stop Us. The film is presented in a dynamic split-screen while spotlighting different pairings of athletes around the world, relating the kinetic movement of one sport to another. This is where creative thinking and a brilliant eye for craft come together. It shows the ability to tell a beautiful and poignant story using only what you have. Amazing editing and a powerful message of union. As an extra, I would add the performance of Travis Scott on Fortnite. New language level unlocked. Loved it.

Nike – You Can't Stop Us

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What website(s) do you use most regularly?

One would be Nowness. I have presented some works there [and] I find it’s a good showcase to see new talent and work. Besides that, I also enjoy reading newspapers daily, very old-school. Vice is also a platform I visit to get involved with weird information going on. And is a place to find great work from talented photographers; very inspiring.


What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought? 

I just bought a white Konica C35 EF. It's a compact rangefinder camera from 1975 (snobbish fact: Warhol’s favourite one). Pocket-friendly and cute. Strong flash, high contrast image. After quarantine, I decided to take more pictures of the everyday moments of life, since my phone was broken and I lost all the pictures and memories I had. The power of analogue photography on paper is unique.

What product could you not live without? 

Cheese. In any way, form, and style. I love cheese.


What’s the best film you’ve seen over the last year?

I don’t know if it’s the best, but there are some images that are still on my mind from the film Portrait of a Woman on Fire. Besides the photography and craft, the experience and emotion of watching it was strong for me. Also, the topics of women, abortion, freedom and sexuality are treated in a very original way. An extra thing I loved was that it inspired me to watch (again) Ingmar Bergman's Persona, you will know why.

What film do you think everyone should have seen?

I think everybody should see Gattaca. It's one of the smartest and most provocative science fiction films. Futurism, genetics, destiny, the utopic raise of perfection, challenging the system in Huxley's name.


What’s your preferred social media platform?

I’m not being original, and probably this shows I’m into my 30s, but I mainly use Instagram (@rociocrudo). I think it’s a great tool to connect with colleagues and friends and share our work and lifestyle. The dark side is that is super-addictive and superficial. I also like Letterboxd, an app to make a list of, and share, the films you have seen. You can see reviews of other users and share material with people around the world. 


What’s your favourite TV show? 

I decided not to have a TV at home, so I just watch films or series lately. I miss zapping, guilty pleasure, the feeling that you are watching everything and nothing at the same time. If I have to pick a TV show, I would say Curb Your Enthusiasm, seasons 1 to 9. Larry David [below], sometimes, makes me feel less alone having a ridiculous existence in life.

What’s your favourite podcast?

The podcast I am into now is 1980 Lost Notes, written and performed by the poet and critic Hanif Abdurraqib. It explores the brilliant, awkward, and sometimes heartbreaking B-side stories from the funniest decade in popular music. Ian Curtis, Grace Jones, Stevie Wonder, Lennon, and more. Funny. I listen to it when I go running. I also enjoy The Audio Long Read from The Guardian, It reminds me of my childhood when my mother read to me.


What show/exhibition has most inspired you recently?

I felt inspired by an exhibition I saw lately: Stanley Kubrick at the  Design Museum London. I got obsessed with the preproduction documents he, a meticulous genius, made. The exhibition explores the creative design process of filmmaking, from storyteller to director to editor.

What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?

I am proud of the place we won as women within the industry. Eight years ago we had fewer possibilities, so we fought for equality. We are still in that process of evolution, but I can see huge changes at this point. 

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

I would love to have more sincerity. And this applies also to everything else in life. I think we are in a moment where poses are obsolete.

Who or what has most influenced your career?

I think David Lynch [above] is a huge inspiration for me. I am in love with bizarre, mysterious and particular things in life. I am also very connected with meditation. I started with a transcendental meditation method when I was 16 and it changed my mind, my work and my personal life, which are deeply connected. It's a very simple method, it takes 20 minutes, where you can observe your thoughts and let the creativity flow. I highly recommend it as we have very demanding and stressful work sometimes.


Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know.

I’m a frustrated alchemist. I love to burn dry plants and different aromatic scents in my house. I feel very inspired by some smells, like lavender, cedar, eucalyptus and other leaves, woods, and plants. I truly believe we can transform the energy in some spaces by just changing the smell on them.
