One Track Mind: Brian J Miller
Music Supervisor at NFL Network, Brian J. Miller, cites one track that can make him run to the dance floor, and one that he'd need to be dead to listen to, as he reveals his Isolation Radio Station playlist.

What song or album have you been listening to lately while working from home?
Full disclosure, I've been listening to HAIM's Women in Music Pt III. It goes down easy and fills a room.

What track always gets you on the dance floor?
In a pre-pandemic world, and when there were dance floors, if I heard Soul II Soul's acapella Back To Life I’d run to the dance floor and wait for the beat to drop.
What's your 'guilty pleasure' track?
Good Vibration [below]; I don't know if Loletta Holloway was an official member of the funky bunch, but her background vocals are hittin'!
What song always makes you turn off the stereo when it comes on?
Mr Jones, by the Counting Crows. If that song plays all the way through, clearly I've been dead for the past four minutes.

There isn’t much “going out on the town” happening, but when we're finally able to let loose, what track will you listen to while you're getting ready?
DMX's X Gon Give It To Ya; it's old school, but it hits every time!