One Track Mind: Marie Rönn
In an end-of-year, festive-focussed OTM, Marie Rönn, Group Creative Director at Spotify, picks her Christmas crackers for her Isolation Radio Station playlist to get everyone in the holiday mood.

What Christmas album/track do you listen to every year?
All of them?! No, seriously, I have to confess I press play on the Holidays on December 1st. So, by the time Christmas Day comes around, I’ve pretty much plowed through most of them. Perhaps being an expat makes me extra nostalgic around the Holidays. Music, Christmas music in particular, has such power to transport you in time and place, making you feel closer to loved ones and traditions, even though you are on the other side of the Atlantic (suddenly all those awkward family traditions and weird foods seem so appealing and cozy). I also quite look forward to artists' new takes on old classics every year.

What's your 'guilty pleasure' Christmas track?
It has to be Mariah. When those little intro-bells in All I Want For Christmas kick off, you know the universe has decided it’s Christmas time (and you can now have all the cookies.)
What Christmas song always makes you turn off the stereo when it comes on?
Well, not that I don’t think this is an excellent composed song by extremely talented people... BUT, when Do You Wanna Build a Snowman, is belted out by my six-year-old on repeat as soon as the first snowflake hits the ground, I do tend to politely skip forward when that song comes on (although I'm secretly very much looking forward to the threequel, due in 2023).
There isn’t much 'going out on the town' happening, but when we're finally able to let loose, what track, Christmas or otherwise, will you listen to while you're getting ready?
Wow, it does seem like a million years ago we were able to do that. The last party I went to, before New York City locked down in early March, was the opening of Brooklyn Museum’s Studio 54 exhibition. So, to celebrate the return of joyous gatherings of more than ten people, I’d probably go full circle and listen to this excellent Disco playlist made by their curator, Matthew Yokobosky. If this doesn't get you in a party mood, nothing will!