
What song or album have you been listening to lately while working from home?

Julien Doré’s new album, aimée. The song Nous has been stuck in my head lately. One of the last shows I saw before the shutdown was Futurebirds, and they’re incredible live. Their album, Teamwork, has been one of my most played during this period. I was so excited for the new Fleet Foxes album and have played that a lot. I’ve also gone down the Numero Group rabbit hole.

What track always gets you on the dance floor?

I Wanna Be Your Lover by Prince, or any song by Tuxedo. I’ve had many kitchen dance parties to Tuxedo during the pandemic. I love a good kitchen dance to Oogum Boogum, by Brenton Wood too.

What's your 'guilty pleasure' track?   

Anything by the Spice Girls. I love them now as much as I did when I was in the second grade; Amarillo By Morning, by George Strait, because of my Texas roots, or Saves The Day’s album, Through Being Cool, a memento from when my music taste was more angsty.

Spice Girls – Say You'll Be There

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What song always makes you turn off the stereo when it comes on?  

I’m almost scared to share this because so many people love this song, but Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). I don’t like the original by Eurythmics or Marilyn Manson’s cover. I’ve disliked the song since the first time I heard it as a kid. I even remember being bothered by the music video.

There isn’t much 'going out on the town' happening, but when we're finally able to let loose, what track will you listen to while you're getting ready?  

Calvin Harris’ Slide (feat. Frank Ocean & Migos); it’s such a perfect, feel-good song to start off a night. When I first moved to NYC, my friends and I would listen to N.E.R.D’s Seeing Sounds while getting ready to go out.

To access Ashcraft's Isolation Radio Station playlist, click here.
