
What’s the best music video you’ve seen recently and why?

I'm obsessed with Luna Carmoon’s latest video for Fontaines D.C. - Here’s The Thing. It’s like Ireland’s answer to the craft.

Fontaines D.C – Here’s The Thing

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What’s the first music video you remember being impressed by?

I honestly spent 98% of my childhood glued to the TV watching MTV and Kerrang, (in teenage-hood taking notes on what to download on limewire) so I can’t really remember anything specifically being first, but in my adult life the video that made me actually start pursuing directing music videos was Frank Lebon’s video for King Krule - Czech One.

King Krule – Czech One

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And what’s your all-time favourite music video?

Am I allowed to say Crazy Town - Butterfly

No, actually it’s probably Foo Fighters - Everlong, directed by Michel Gondry.

Foo Fighters - Everlong

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What other directors/artists do you look to for inspiration?

Obsessed with a lot of contemporary mv directors, Aube Perrie for example - obsessed. Also love Julia Ducournau and Emma Seligman, obviously totally different worlds but think they both have really interesting voices/angles right now and that’s super inspirational.

But in terms of creative inspiration I usually pull my inspiration from off-beat horror and sci-fi B-movies, or mid-90s German indie films, there’s nothing I love more than a really weird kind of shit but great film with loads of weird stuff going on in it and really bad acting.

What are you listening to at the moment?

Mk.gee… isn’t everyone.

Idles – Dancer

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What’s your favourite bit of tech, whether for professional or personal use?

Garlic crusher.

What artist(s) would you most like to work with and why?

Yves Tumor, Charli XCX, HorsegiirL, Fontaines DC, and Jeshi. 

I just appreciate the music and the world these artists have built around their music/identity. They’re all willing to take risks and make statements which is always a vibe.

Sudan Archives – Homemaker

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How do you feel the promo industry has changed since you started in it?

It’s got harder to do things cheaper… we’re definitely dealing with a lot of high label expectations vs lower budgets vs cost of living crisis vs Brexit .. it must be a lot harder for people starting out to achieve the concepts they want so respect to people who are pulling wild ideas out the bag and being creative.

Where do you see the music video industry being in five years’ time?

I don’t know… I have a feeling music videos are going to change and warp and maybe even disappear for a while. Everyone’s freaking out over TikTok and content, but I guess we just need to be more 360 and creative about how we approach concepts and new formats. But then again I bet once we’ve spent years finessing the new formats someones gonna come back with an ‘old school’ music video and it’ll all be on trend again.

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

I’m not French.
