The waiting game
This new short film-cum-sketch from Romain Laurent highlights the brain-numbing, life-sucking experience of playing the waiting game.
View on- Director Romain Laurent
- Color Alexis Films SA
- Creative Christina Jobe
- Creative Romain Laurent
- DP Josh Mckie
- VFX Romain Laurent
- Sound Sean Anselm
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powered by- Director Romain Laurent
- Color Alexis Films SA
- Creative Christina Jobe
- Creative Romain Laurent
- DP Josh Mckie
- VFX Romain Laurent
- Sound Sean Anselm
This new short film directed by BOLD's Romain Laurent is a short - and slightly mad - interpretation of what it's like to be stuck in a waiting room with your turn to be called something far off on the horizon.
Our wordless protagonist is a grumpy-looking, gum-chewing man surrounded by a series of other eclectic characters also stuck waiting their turn. When a new ticket number is called, the lucky 'winner' celebrates his good fortune while our man commiserates by blowing an unusual bubble which articulates his frustration.
The short film, simply called Waiting, perfectly sums up a situation we've all found ourselves in.