
Kleenex – Save The Sleeve

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When no one's been looking, we’ve all done it, either sneezing into our sleeves or wiping snot onto our trousers.

That’s why FCB Inferno has launched a new campaign for Kleenex Balsam tissues called Save the Sleeve.

Kleenex research shows that, although we’re all aware we need tissues, lack of preparation means we often reach for whatever's to hand in our moments of need. Save the Sleeve takes a look at the many things we use instead of a clean tissue, from the toddler who rubs his nose in his mum’s hair, to the teenager who uses his trousers, and the student who uses her scarf to catch a sneeze. 

Directed by Alex Dunning through FLIPT, the tongue-in cheek campaign encourages consumers to ‘Grab a Kleenex’ rather then soil something else. “Not many brands would dare show that there can be beauty in a bogey hanging off a little girl’s nose," said Ben Usher, Creative Director at FCB Inferno. "There’s real creative power in reflecting moments that feel true to people. That’s what we wanted to do with the Save the Sleeve campaign. First, make you smile as you see these raw, sometimes gross human behaviours in all their glory. And then make you realise that maybe you need a Kleenex in your pocket more than you thought.”

Kleenex – Save The Sleeve: Cartoons

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