
The Humane League – The Party Is Over

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Animal rights charity The Humane League has called out McDonald’s for “ghosting” its responsibilities to animal welfare with a global brand-jacking campaign. 

Created by Don’t Panic, #McGhoster aims to attract public attention towards McDonald’s failure to commit to meaningful improvements for chickens, via a cross-platform online film, supported by a series of brand-jacking posters, ad vans and social posts to build momentum and encourage consumers to speak up and sign the petition.

Kicking off the campaign is an online film depicting the aftermath of one hell of a mansion party - the kind that harks back to Cannes' headier days. Directed by Object & Animal's Matias & Mathias, it's peppered with sly McDonald’s references - the iconic colours, a personalised number plate (B1G M4C) and pool noodles floating in the shape of the golden arches. The visual gags are offset by more serious nods to Maccers' mistreatment of fowl, like an ice sculpture of a chicken slowly melting in the sun as feather drift ominously through the mansion.
